If you’ve ever wanted to lose some weight or eat healthier than you are right now (I mean, most of the food we eat is crap, right??), chances are you’ve been on some sort of diet or some sort of crazy program that’s supposed to yield you magical results. You’ve heard all the hype, the gimmicks and the mystical ancient tricks that are supposed to be your shortcuts to long lasting weight loss success… and guess what? It’s never that easy, is it? It never lasts long-term, does it? And chances are you might even gain more weight back than you originally lost! Kind of sucks, right? Well it does, and that’s because there really is no ‘magic formula’ to long-lasting weight loss success. There is no ‘magic pill’. There are no gimmicks that work long-term. What does work is having a proven plan, and following the plan. I’m going to give you 7 Simple Slimming Secrets to help achieve measurable weight loss that will stay off over time. 7 Simple Slimming Secrets To Losing Weight 1. Drink Plenty Of Fluids – I bet you didn’t know that 74% of adults are dehydrated. And when I say dehydrated, I mean adults don’t drink enough water. That’s a shame because there are so many benefits to drinking water. For instance, water slows your metabolism, helps detoxify your body, provides energy, curbs hunger (often thirst is confused as hunger), and so on. Bottom line is stop drinking the soda or other ‘sugary’ drinks and just drink a lot of water per day. 2. Eat Protein - Protein is a key way to help keep blood sugars level, and keeps you from getting hungry. Plus, when you do exercise (see tip 7), protein helps repair the damage to your muscles that you incurred in your workout. Benefits of protein include building lean muscle and burning fat, so you can see why eating protein is important. 3. Eat Fruits & Vegetables - I really shouldn’t have to explain this that much (especially since we’ve been told this a million times since we were kids), but it goes without saying as to how important it is to eat the right foods, namely fruits and vegetables. They fill your body with low calories, high energy, nutrition, antioxidants and fiber. Bottom line is you can eat more in a meal with less calories by consuming fruits and vegetables. 4. Avoid The Color Beige - You might not have known this, but most foods that are beige in color tend to be high in carbohydrates and calories, but low in nutrition. For instance, breads, pastas, rice and other beige foods may taste great, but they are NOT good for you compared to the value you get with eating fruits and vegetables. In fact, you could almost eat 10 cups of fruits to 1 cup of beans. 5. Get Some Sleep - The body is made to recover from its activities, and the ONLY way it truly recovers is with sleep. The body really needs about 8 hours of sleep to function optimally. Now it may be a coincidence, but 68% of people don’t get 8 hours of sleep per night, and that’s the exact percentage of people who are overweight. Just sayin… 6. Portion Sizes Count - The average plate of food is 2-3 times larger than it used to be just 30 years ago, so that should be a ‘wake up’ call right there. A normal serving size of protein is the same size as your computer mouse. 2 servings of mixed greens should be the same as 2 baseballs. A serving of fruit should be the size of a tennis ball. Keep these portion sizes in mind, and that will help you lose weight. 7. Exercise!! - The absolute best way to boost your metabolism, to boost your energy, and boost your weight loss into hyperdrive is to get off the couch and get some exercise, period! Go for a 10 minute walk 3 times a day. Go for a 30 minute workout 3-4 times a week. Just do something. If you follow these 7 Simple Slimming Secrets, you’ll lead a healthy lifestyle, you’ll lose weight, and more importantly you’ll keep it off. Click here to find out more info!
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We have all heard the rhyme, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” I’ve read that red apples seem to be better than others and being that its “National Eat a Red Apple Day” I would like share some good information about apples. Research shows an apple in the morning is one of the best ways to start the day. For years I have said, “Health is about making more good choices than bad choices”. I believe that starting your day with fresh fruit is a lot better than starting you day with a donut. We all know an apple is better, right, but what we don’t know is just how unhealthy and dangerous the donut is to our health.
An apple is fresh and alive with natural occurring fiber and sugars. It then digests slowly and releases a consistent flow of glucose which gives energy to every cell. The apple also has natural antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. University studies have found that these chemicals can reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Apples also helps immune system to help fight off bacterial and viral infections but can also protect the brain from neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease. The donut is not alive and has the natural fiber milled out. Tasty yes, but break a donut down and you'll find nothing more than refined sugar and flour, artificial flavors, artificial color and partially hydrogenated oil that's loaded with trans fats. These chemicals and flavors in excess increase the risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. This imbalance from fresh and natural to processed causes a dangerous and toxic environment in your body. This overtime can cause deficiencies that lead to chronic diseases and illness. Did you know there are over 7,000 types of apple and can be grown in almost every climate? Celebrate the day by eating your apple raw, cooked, baked, or juiced. It keeps the “Doctor Away…” Other Top Winter Foods to Keep the Doctor Away. 1: Oatmeal 2: Citrus Fruit 3: Sprouted Wheat Bread 4: Sweet Potatoes 6: Broccoli and Kale 5: Hot Spices such as Cumin, Pepper, Ginger, Turmeric 7: Wild Caught Fish or Supplements with Omega-3 Fish Oil 8: Carrots and other root vegetables 9: Cooked beans |
AuthorLiving, Working, and Playing in the Sierra Mountains. Helping to create: Life, Health, and Community. Archives
January 2023