The release of radiation from Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, which was damaged by the devastating earthquake and tsunami that hit earlier this month, has triggered mounting concerns around the world.
Just how dangerous is the radiation release and are those in the United States at risk? The damaged nuclear plant has released radioactive iodine, including iodine-131, into surrounding areas. Those in the immediate vicinity could face serious health repercussions, as exposure to radioactive iodine can lead to the development of thyroid nodules and thyroid cancer, among other health problems. As for the radiation traveling to the United States, so far this risk appears to be minimal. The radiation will be diluted by 5,000 miles of ocean, rain and sea spray when it reaches U.S. shores, hopefully making it of little consequence to human health. To date, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which has been monitoring radiation levels across the country, has noted radiation levels slightly higher than normal but “still far below levels of public health concern.” The radiation scare has also sent many scrambling for potassium iodide (KI) pills, which help protect your thyroid from radioactive material. Your thyroid is particularly vulnerable to radiation poisoning as it actively uptakes iodine from your blood to make thyroid hormones. If you’re exposed to radioactive iodine, your thyroid will not know the difference and will take in the radioactive substance. By taking potassium iodide (a stable form of iodine), you can essentially flood your system with so much iodine that your body will have no need to uptake the radioactive form, thereby protecting your thyroid from the damaging effects. The U.S. State Department has given KI pills to U.S. personnel residing in the Japanese danger zones, but so far there appears to be no need for U.S. citizens in the United States to take the pills as a precautionary measure. In fact, taking potassium iodide unnecessarily is not a good idea, as it can lead to serious side effects including even hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, the American Thyroid Association, The Endocrine Society and the Society of Nuclear Medicine also released a joint statement advising against the use of prophylactic KI at this time: “KI should not be taken in the absence of a clear risk of exposure to a potentially dangerous level of radioactive iodine because potassium iodide can cause allergic reactions, skin rashes, salivary gland inflammation, hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism in a small percentage of people. Since radioactive iodine decays rapidly, current estimates indicate there will not be a hazardous level of radiation reaching the United States from this accident. When an exposure does warrant KI to be taken, it should be taken as directed by physicians or public health authorities until the risk for significant exposure to radioactive iodine dissipates, but probably for no more than 1-2 weeks. With radiation accidents, the greatest risk is to populations close to the radiation source. While some radiation may be detected in the United States and its territories in the Pacific as a result of this accident, current estimates indicate that radiation amounts will be little above baseline atmospheric levels and will not be harmful to the thyroid gland or general health. We discourage individuals needlessly purchasing or hoarding of KI in the United States. Moreover, since there is not a radiation emergency in the United States or its territories, we do not support the ingestion of KI prophylaxis at this time.” We’ll be keeping an eye on this issue as time goes on, so stay tuned to the blog for further updates.
It is a soft tissue condition that can involve the muscles, ligaments, and nerves of the back and neck. The pain in TMS is caused or worsened by tension and in most cases, can be eliminated by a mental process that involves focusing on the emotional, rather than the physical. Now this is a strong statement and I want to repeat it. Some people are more prone to these disorders than others--back pain may be more likely, for instance, in people who are perfectionistic, self-critical, and highly responsible for others. People with chronic back pain are often suffering from a mind-body disorder known as TMS, or Tension Myositis Syndrome, a diagnosis that is relatively unknown in both the medical and alternative communities. This condition can be treated with daily mindfulness practices, autonomic nervous system balancing. Our office utilizes daily reminders repeated throughout the day and upper cervical (C1-C2) mobilization and adjustments. We are the premier Lake Tahoe Office working with the mind-body connection and inner healing wisdom. Please call for a office tour or visit. 530-577-5433 ![]() Tension Myositis Syndrome--describes a very common problem --back and neck pain--and redefines it as physical pain with roots in emotional tension. This syndrome was first theorized by Dr. John Sarno at NYU's Rusk Institute. In the late 1970's and early 1980's he described in detail a theory, involving the connections between emotions, the brain, the limbic system, and the autonomic nervous system that generates this process. The end products is painful tissue that causes local pain (trigger points, areas of spasm) and sometimes distant pain (sciatica,etc.). The cure is educational and psychological and highly effective in most patients. ![]() You are familiar with migraine headaches and stomach ulcers being related to stress/anxiety. Start applying this same type of thinking to your physical pain and you are on the right track. When emotions (energy) are repressed they create blockages in our system. This allows our normal free flowing energy to become stuck and stored in our muscle and nerve tissue. The biochemical process taking place is called oxygen deprivation. In this process the autonomic nervous system will selectively decrease blood flow to muscle and nerve tissue. Blood flow is closely regulated by emotional peptides, which signal receptors on blood vessels walls to constrict or dilate, and this influences the amount and velocity of blood (oxygen) flowing through them from moment to moment. From a psychological point of view, emotional energy has been repressed and is causing inner tension throughout our autonomic nervous system. In these pain disorders since the physical pain is not attributed to mechanical or physical dysfunctions, but rather it is caused by the person's feelings, personality, and their subconscious state. Emotions and mental activity that generate physical pain are fear, anger, guilt, frustration, worry, resentment, people pleasing, being perfect and highly competitive and overly self-conscious. In these pain disorders the people who are highly likely to create physical pain through inner tension have personality traits similar to the Type A. These personality characteristics interact with stressful life situations, which, then initiates the physical pain cycle. Our mind, as a defense strategy will repress emotional energy into the subconscious so that we will not be aware of these feelings or experience them. This repression causes inner tension in our nervous system, which initiates a biochemical change in our muscles, nerves and tendons. These changes create pain, which our mind is using as a distraction strategy so that we will focus our attention on the body and away from disagreeable thoughts and emotions. This intense conflict is now erupting in our body & mind. The tension from this inner conflict will eventually erupt as a concentrated experience of pain. Blood flow as been chronically constricted depriving our tissue of oxygen. Our intention is to heal, to get rid of the pain disorder. We do this by keeping the information, our energy and emotions, flowing freely and communicating within and about our body & mind systems in a balanced, open, efficient way. When we do this we no longer have energy being stored, blocked and stuck. When our system is open and free, we have linked our psyche (thought, emotion and spirit) to our physical bodies (molecules, cells and tissue) in a free flowing exchange and simulation of the information energy. This requires a daily practice of emotional and present moment awareness. A waking, working mindfulness of who we are being. Daily Reminders are repeated for 5-10 minutes daily.
![]() How we can help Brain Based Therapy is not to be seen as a cure or specific treatment for disease. It’s power lies in naturally and holistically improving the function of your brain loop so your body can heal and restore itself naturally. BBT can help with: ~Balance disorders ~Neck pain ~Low back pain/sciaticaDizziness ~RLS (restless leg syndrome) ~MS symptoms ~Low immunity ~Migraines ~InsomniaBulging/herniated discs ~Hip/knee/feet pain ~Numbness ~Fibromyalgia ~Arm/shoulder pain ~Headaches ~Spinal stenosis ~Tremor disorders ~Early Alzheimer’s symptoms ~Carpal tunnel syndrome Brain Based Therapy An all natural and powerful healing technique used to restore people to a greater sense of well-being and overall health, Brain Based Therapy (BBT) is a very effective program that works for a wide variety of patients.
Understanding how the brain works Your brain is the main computer that controls and coordinates all functions of your body. Optimum health requires your brain (including the cerebellum) to perform at the highest and most efficient way possible. The Brain Loop The cerebellum, found in the back part of your cranium, senses messages to both the left and right hemisphere of your brain, then fires the messages to your brain stem (including the mesencephalon, pons, and medulla), creating the “Brain Loop.” It’s this brain loop that manages your mental clarity, emotional stability, vitality and sense of well-being. When the cerebellum does it job, it receives adequate input, then sends normal input to the brain’s frontal lobes, which in turn, send the proper input to the lower brainstem. This keeps the mesencephalon in check and free from over-firing. However, if one side of the cerebellum is not receiving enough input, it cannot send sufficient input to the frontal lobe. The effect of stress on the brain loop Many types of stress, including emotional, physical and even chemical has an adverse effect on the all-important brain loop. Based on our “fight or flight” response, short bouts of stress are not always a bad thing. It’s the continuous, non-stop stress that has such an adverse effect and interrupts the brain loop and the mesencephalon if left unchecked. The mesencephalon and why it is important Conditions such as ADD, sciatica and fibromyalgia can occur when the mesencephalon is not firing properly. The mesencephalon is normally inhibited by the brain and when the “brain loop” is intact, the mesencephalon is considered to be off or firing on a very low setting (which is normal). It’s when the mesencephalon is “over firing” that problems occur. The cerebellum is key to the brain loop Another key to the “brain loop” functioning properly is the cerebellum, which has a number of responsibilities including your balance, coordination, spinal posture, eye movement and a number of other functions that keep you body healthy and active. Poor functioning of the cerebellum can cause a wide variety of problems, including problems with your postural muscles, (including a one-sided muscle spasm that adversely affects your spine). Once this occurs, certain vertebrae become restricted and spinal degeneration, arthritis, disc herniations, chronic back and neck pain, even sciatica may develop. Dizziness and balance disorders are often attributed to cerebellar dysfunction. Treatment and Brain Based Therapy After a thorough BBT neurological examination, a dynamic, safe, gentle and hands-on integration process is carried out to reconnect and restore proper brain function. In some cases, traditional chiropractic adjustments are part of the treatment, given in a very precise manner designed to stimulate function in the effected part of the brain. Additionally, other modalities such as exercises, are sometimes used. Who discovered BBT? Dr. Fred Carrick, the country’s leading chiropractic neurologist is credited as the designer and creator of Brain Based Therapy. The Carrick Institute developed the clinical and functional neurological protocol that helps patients around the world with severe neurological disorders. If you would like to have more information or to set up a consultation and see how we can help you (or someone you know), with Brain Based Therapy, give us a call in SOUTH LAKE TAHOE 530-577-5433 to schedule an appointment to see if you or members of your family are candidates for care. |
AuthorLiving, Working, and Playing in the Sierra Mountains. Helping to create: Life, Health, and Community. Archives
January 2023