These FAQ pages are always weird, let’s be honest, we all know these are written to answer questions most people are not actually asking. I’m going to write this so you can get a better understanding of what our office is about.
Because that’s what this should be. I moved to the area to rock climb, snowboard, hike, swim and generally be outdoors. Just like most transplants to the area, but I needed to find a way to live here. Luckily for me, I got injured rock climbing, and was referred to a chiropractor in town. My recovery wasn't as miraculous in the way my physical body was healed, but it healed my mind, body and spirit. It took me from a broken, lost and confused twenty-something to a grounded, committed and determined thirty-something mountain-sage-healing-warrior. This year was the 17th year of practice, and I am loving every moment of it, and I can't wait to meet all of you. You’re probably still wondering something like: “why am I here?” or “Am I in the right place?” or "can chiropractic actually help me with this?" If you came from the internet there is a good chance you just searching to find potential answers. So here are the answers to some questions. #1: CHIROPRACTIC CARE UTILIZED AS PREVENTAIVE OR MAINTAINANCE CARE GETS BETTER RESULTS Chiropractic care has a great reputation for low back pain, neck pain, and headaches and our office get's great results for many of these conditions and symptoms. The current healthcare model seems to be a sickcare model where many wait till the pain is unbearable to seek care. This is because we have been taught to think "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" attitude. We understand this and we offer many options for you to start care: starting at visit-to-visit to family wellness care. It would be ludicrous to think that going to the gym 10 times would make a difference or eating healthier for a week would start to change your blood pressure. You don't have to go to the gym hours and hours a day, but small consistent habit builds up to change. Turns out, the synergy between your eating habits, exercise habits, self-talk habits, are a mirror to the intricacies of your personal life. They outside world of advertising and movies are using tactics and tricks that are out to destroy our healthy habits and convince you that a pill is the answer. Over the last 17 years it has become oblivious that consistent health-based lifestyle choices are the best tactics to live a balanced and health life. I have realized that there is significant lack of care for mother and baby the year after the child is born. This perinatal care is the main reason that I became a chiropractor and is still the spark that get me motivated in the office. #2: KNOWING EXACTLY WHERE YOU ARE NOW AND WHERE YOU WANT TO BE CREATES A ROADMAP TO RESULTS Humans default to not wanting to dig deep to find out answers. When you fill out of intake forms, we want you to take your time and paint the picture of what your life has been like. Sometimes the answer is superficial, but it's usually a very complex, layer by layer story to explain why you are in the office. We need you to dig deep and find clarity in your life, that way you can start to move "closer" to what you want. To your goals, aspirations, and create the ideal situation moving forward. Not wanting to go deeper feels good in the moment, until you realize that you are not moving forward. When you realize this, it might be that you were just wasting time and money. This clarity will help us create the optimal care plan to get exactly what you want from care in our office. #3: WE NEED YOU TO VALUE THE VALUE OF CARE Changing the thoughts about health care from an expense to an investment can change your perception. Realizing that each dollar you spend being proactive in your healthcare can pay big dividends on the flip side. One MRI can pay for many years of wellness chiropractic care in our office. This doesn't include the hospital stay, blood work, radiologist report, and ER visit cost. Add in a few nights of hospital stay and who knows what the total cost would be? Good news, if we find, after a few tests, what chiropractors are trained to detect, we can expect a care plan of 12-36 visits. With a price tag of less than 1/3 of the MRI. I know I can help you. |
Full disclosure: There is only so much we can put on the website to show how effective chiropractic adjustment are with a multitude of conditions. Sure, we can name them, list them: but each person is different. The best we can do is let you read the review from previous clients. Here, you’re just going to get: When you are filling out your online intake form, we will collect your information, emails and phone number. The communication received from our office will be on a weekly basis just giving up to date information that we find important. Spread out with some fun ones as well. If you chose to not signup, please follow us on social media. HOW I AM DIFFERENT This one is easy.
EVERYHING IS DESIGNED TO FOR ONE MAJOR GOAL IN MIND: My priority is to help you transform your LIFE. Truthfully, getting you to commit to a monthly wellness plan is the optimal goal for you and us. Everything from this page, emails, text messages, exam and adjustment fees, are designed to funnel you towards this level of engagement. (it's ok if you don't though) IMPORTANT: We have found out that cookie cutter programs do not work. The level of success you achieve will depend entirely on how aligned your pursuits stay aligned with your goals and aspirations. HERE’S WHAT YOU SHOULD DO NEXT: Keep reading or blogs. Have specific questions? Give us a call and see if we can help. Check out our services and prices page so you can get a better idea of the cost and expectations. |