![]() Hello! I want to help you understand disc herniation's. There are many symptoms that you might have with disc problems, including pain, numbness, tingling and other sensations. You may also have problems moving around or just have morning stiffness. Disc herniation can be serious, whether you are young or old, and should be treated in the most effective way possible. Traditional medicine may take months to simply find the problem, costing huge amounts in doctor’s office visits and expensive testing. After the doctors in ~South Lake Tahoe find the disc problem, you may be treated with medication and possibly with surgery, however, these will not always be effective. If regular treatments, shots, PT, or medication are not working for you any longer or you would rather not deal with surgery at all, you may need a new plan of action. In my South Lake Tahoe practice that is located at 3170 US Hwy 50, in Meyers, I will help you to work toward greater health and wellness by not just treating the pain but helping you with adjustments and bring balance to your body. Together your body can start to heal the disc herniation and positively affect all aspects of health too. Don’t waste another minute being in pain or dealing with other symptoms, start treating the cause of your problem. Call my office and make an appointment as soon as possible. Get started for as little as $30. Call today 530-577-5433. Not Appointments needed. Walk-ins available today. No long term care plan. Start Today.
![]() Hello! My name is Dr. Joshua Welch, and I am a leading chiropractor in South Lake Tahoe. If you are suffering from fibromyalgia, there are steps that you can take to help yourself, and one of those steps is to visit me at my office. I have successfully treated many patients with fibromyalgia and will be able to help you to manage your pain as well. You won’t have to live with the chronic pain caused by fibromyalgia any longer when you follow the proper course of treatment, which includes regular visits to my office. What is Fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes pain in the muscles and soft tissues throughout the body. Because this is a condition that is affected by the central nervous system, people with fibromyalgia feel extreme pain where others may feel mild pain, and often, even when there has been no injury. Fibromyalgia can cause a loss of energy and an inability to sleep, but it is a condition that is controllable. In fact, there are many ways that I as a chiropractor can help fibromyalgia patients deal with their pain. Take Control of Your Life The last thing that anyone needs to deal with is pain. If you are dealing with fibromyalgia, you know that this is a chronic condition that is never going to go away. But with the proper treatment, including the kind of chiropractic care I offer at my clinic, which is located in Meyers, , you can live a normal life, relatively free of pain from your condition. Do not suffer when there are chiropractor treatments that work.Contact my office at 530-577-LIFE (5433) and make an appointment. ![]() How we can help Brain Based Therapy is not to be seen as a cure or specific treatment for disease. It’s power lies in naturally and holistically improving the function of your brain loop so your body can heal and restore itself naturally. BBT can help with: ~Balance disorders ~Neck pain ~Low back pain/sciaticaDizziness ~RLS (restless leg syndrome) ~MS symptoms ~Low immunity ~Migraines ~InsomniaBulging/herniated discs ~Hip/knee/feet pain ~Numbness ~Fibromyalgia ~Arm/shoulder pain ~Headaches ~Spinal stenosis ~Tremor disorders ~Early Alzheimer’s symptoms ~Carpal tunnel syndrome Brain Based Therapy An all natural and powerful healing technique used to restore people to a greater sense of well-being and overall health, Brain Based Therapy (BBT) is a very effective program that works for a wide variety of patients.
Understanding how the brain works Your brain is the main computer that controls and coordinates all functions of your body. Optimum health requires your brain (including the cerebellum) to perform at the highest and most efficient way possible. The Brain Loop The cerebellum, found in the back part of your cranium, senses messages to both the left and right hemisphere of your brain, then fires the messages to your brain stem (including the mesencephalon, pons, and medulla), creating the “Brain Loop.” It’s this brain loop that manages your mental clarity, emotional stability, vitality and sense of well-being. When the cerebellum does it job, it receives adequate input, then sends normal input to the brain’s frontal lobes, which in turn, send the proper input to the lower brainstem. This keeps the mesencephalon in check and free from over-firing. However, if one side of the cerebellum is not receiving enough input, it cannot send sufficient input to the frontal lobe. The effect of stress on the brain loop Many types of stress, including emotional, physical and even chemical has an adverse effect on the all-important brain loop. Based on our “fight or flight” response, short bouts of stress are not always a bad thing. It’s the continuous, non-stop stress that has such an adverse effect and interrupts the brain loop and the mesencephalon if left unchecked. The mesencephalon and why it is important Conditions such as ADD, sciatica and fibromyalgia can occur when the mesencephalon is not firing properly. The mesencephalon is normally inhibited by the brain and when the “brain loop” is intact, the mesencephalon is considered to be off or firing on a very low setting (which is normal). It’s when the mesencephalon is “over firing” that problems occur. The cerebellum is key to the brain loop Another key to the “brain loop” functioning properly is the cerebellum, which has a number of responsibilities including your balance, coordination, spinal posture, eye movement and a number of other functions that keep you body healthy and active. Poor functioning of the cerebellum can cause a wide variety of problems, including problems with your postural muscles, (including a one-sided muscle spasm that adversely affects your spine). Once this occurs, certain vertebrae become restricted and spinal degeneration, arthritis, disc herniations, chronic back and neck pain, even sciatica may develop. Dizziness and balance disorders are often attributed to cerebellar dysfunction. Treatment and Brain Based Therapy After a thorough BBT neurological examination, a dynamic, safe, gentle and hands-on integration process is carried out to reconnect and restore proper brain function. In some cases, traditional chiropractic adjustments are part of the treatment, given in a very precise manner designed to stimulate function in the effected part of the brain. Additionally, other modalities such as exercises, are sometimes used. Who discovered BBT? Dr. Fred Carrick, the country’s leading chiropractic neurologist is credited as the designer and creator of Brain Based Therapy. The Carrick Institute developed the clinical and functional neurological protocol that helps patients around the world with severe neurological disorders. If you would like to have more information or to set up a consultation and see how we can help you (or someone you know), with Brain Based Therapy, give us a call in SOUTH LAKE TAHOE 530-577-5433 to schedule an appointment to see if you or members of your family are candidates for care.
We have all heard the rhyme, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” I’ve read that red apples seem to be better than others and being that its “National Eat a Red Apple Day” I would like share some good information about apples. Research shows an apple in the morning is one of the best ways to start the day. For years I have said, “Health is about making more good choices than bad choices”. I believe that starting your day with fresh fruit is a lot better than starting you day with a donut. We all know an apple is better, right, but what we don’t know is just how unhealthy and dangerous the donut is to our health.
An apple is fresh and alive with natural occurring fiber and sugars. It then digests slowly and releases a consistent flow of glucose which gives energy to every cell. The apple also has natural antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. University studies have found that these chemicals can reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Apples also helps immune system to help fight off bacterial and viral infections but can also protect the brain from neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease. The donut is not alive and has the natural fiber milled out. Tasty yes, but break a donut down and you'll find nothing more than refined sugar and flour, artificial flavors, artificial color and partially hydrogenated oil that's loaded with trans fats. These chemicals and flavors in excess increase the risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. This imbalance from fresh and natural to processed causes a dangerous and toxic environment in your body. This overtime can cause deficiencies that lead to chronic diseases and illness. Did you know there are over 7,000 types of apple and can be grown in almost every climate? Celebrate the day by eating your apple raw, cooked, baked, or juiced. It keeps the “Doctor Away…” Other Top Winter Foods to Keep the Doctor Away. 1: Oatmeal 2: Citrus Fruit 3: Sprouted Wheat Bread 4: Sweet Potatoes 6: Broccoli and Kale 5: Hot Spices such as Cumin, Pepper, Ginger, Turmeric 7: Wild Caught Fish or Supplements with Omega-3 Fish Oil 8: Carrots and other root vegetables 9: Cooked beans Is chiropractic care safe during pregnancy?There are no known contraindications to chiropractic care throughout pregnancy. All chiropractors are trained to work with women who are pregnant. Investing in the fertility and pregnancy wellness of women who are pregnant or trying to conceive is a routine treatment for most chiropractors.
Some chiropractors take a specific interest in prenatal and peri-natal care and seek additional training. Below represents designations of chiropractors who have taken advanced steps in working with infertility and pregnancy wellness. A chiropractor who is versed in the needs of women who are pregnant will also provide you with exercises and stretches that are safe to use during pregnancy and compliment any adjustments made to your spine. Why should I have chiropractic care during pregnancy?During pregnancy, there are several physiological and endocrinological changes that occur in preparation for creating the environment for the developing baby. The following changes could result in a misaligned spine or joint:
The nervous system is the master communication system to all the body systems including the reproductive system. Keeping the spine aligned helps the entire body work more effectively. What are the benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy?Chiropractic care during pregnancy may provide benefits for women who are pregnant. Potential benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy include:
It is considered normal by some for a baby to present breech until the third trimester. Most birth practitioners are not concerned with breech presentations until a patient is 37 weeks along. Approximately 4% of all pregnancies result in a breech presentation. The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics reported in the July/August 2002 issue an 82% success rate of babies turning vertex when doctors of chiropractic used the Webster Technique. Further, the results from the study suggest that it may be beneficial to perform the Webster Technique as soon as the 8th month of pregnancy when a woman has a breech presentation. Currently, the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association recommends that women receive chiropractic care throughout pregnancy to establish pelvic balance and optimize the room a baby has for development throughout pregnancy. With a balanced pelvis, babies have a greater chance of moving into the correct position for birth, and the crisis and worry associated with breech and posterior presentations may be avoided altogether. Optimal baby positioning at the time of birth also eliminates the potential for dystocia (difficult labor) and therefore results in easier and safer deliveries for both the mother and baby. Talk to Your Health Care Provider:As more women are seeking the benefits of chiropractic care throughout pregnancy, more health care providers are seeking trained doctors of chiropractic in their communities to refer their pregnant patients to. Discuss these options with your health care provider. If they are not yet familiar with chiropractic care in pregnancy, ask them to find out more about its many benefits. Most importantly, seek options that support your body's natural abilities to function and find a team of providers who are respectful of your choices. Your Next Steps:
![]() A study published in the May 2003 issue of the peer-reviewed Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, showed a strong link between the resolution of infertility and the initiation of chiropractic care. The study consisted of a retrospective review of 14 separate articles of 15 women suffering with infertility. In each of these cases chiropractic care was introduced and the results were documented and published. The studies followed 15 female subjects ranging in age from 22 to 65. The prior pregnancy history of these women revealed 11 of them had never gotten pregnant. Two of the women had prior successful unassisted pregnancies. One woman had an assisted pregnancy, while 1 had a history of a miscarriage. In this group 9 women had previous treatment for infertility before starting chiropractic and 4 were actually undergoing infertility treatment when they started chiropractic care. The study noted the huge expense of infertility treatment options currently used by many couples noting the range of expenses can easily go into the thousands. The article also noted that in vitro fertilization has shown evidence of long term risks. A study published in November 2002 in the online version of the American Journal of Human Genetics reported that “babies conceived by in vitro fertilization may be at increased risk for a rare genetic disorder that predisposes them to cancer”. The chiropractic care rendered to the women lsted in this study was from a variety of chiropractors using a variety of techniques. The focus of the care in these cases was correction of vertebral subluxations. The research article defined Subluxation by using the agreed definition of the Association of Chiropractic Colleges. Subluxation, as defined by the Association of Chiropractic Colleges, is a “complex of functional and / or structural and / or pathological articular changes that compromise neural integrity and may influence organ system function and general health". The study noted that all of the women in these studies, who were struggling with infertility, had evidence of nerve system interference, as detected by the presence of subluxations. The results of these individual case studies showed that even though many of these women had tried unsuccessfully for some time to become pregnant, all of the women in this study eventually became pregnant somewhere between 2 months and 20 months of the onset of chiropractic care. One of the case studies was summed up by the author, Elizabeth Anderson-Peacock, DC, DICCP, "Although chiropractic care is not a treatment for infertility, it is postulated that improvement of spinal neural integrity through specific chiropractic adjustments may have contributed to improved homeostasis and physiological adaptation thus allowing the body to express a greater level of health as an outcome." |
AuthorLiving, Working, and Playing in the Sierra Mountains. Helping to create: Life, Health, and Community. Archives
January 2023