- Chiropractic and Wellness Care
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- Active Relief
Active Relief
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Chiropractic, fascial work, and progressive rehab is purposefully designed to remove the deepest tension patterns in the spine by assessing and correcting specific neurological and structural patterns. Especially the spine, shoulders, knees, elbows and hips. This creates flexibility, strength and balance reducing injuries sustained during training. Allowing a dynamic healing process that moves the body towards greater balance and functioning.
"I've been seeing a chiropractor and he's really been helping me out a lot. Chiropractic's been a big part of my game." Joe Montana |
he slightest amount of spinal stress can cause a child to have delayed neurological development, altered body chemistry and not able to live life to the fullest. A simple assessment can be made to correct most problems before they become permanent. The chiropractic adjustment can makes a powerful impact on children's lives and health potential even before they are born. Bring in your whole family and experience a new level of vibrancy!